
来源:常州朗阁英语培训时间:2018/12/26 16:33:47




例题(1). Movies and television have more negative effects than positive ones on young people's behavior.

题目的关键词在“behavior”上, 所以该题目论点的思路应该是“电视电影让孩子们变的怎么样了”?比如:Screen viewing makes children become violent./Gazing at TV for a long time can make teenagers isolated. 区别以往的题目:Movies and television have more negative effects than positive ones on children..这道题目的思路比较广,参考对孩子的身体,精神,学习的影响。而上面的题目限定在了“行为”上,所以就不能从身体,精神,学习上来入手了,那么就要想电视电影的分类,不同的影视节目会让孩子变的怎么样,比如动作片,惊悚片,侦探片,名人传记等等。

例题(2). If a professor wants students to learn as much as possible about a subject in a short period of time, is it better to require students to study in a group or to require each student to study alone?

题目的关键点在于“learn as much as possible”,通过哪种方法1.小组学习2.个人学习 那种能够达到短时间内学到更多知识?在段内论证的时候一定要论证到题目的目的上。比如:Students can improve more efficiently through group study, thus acquiring much more knowledge in a short period of time. Everyone has shortcomings more or less in study and worse, he normally can not be aware of his own drawbacks. If at this time, some others, the group members who are studying with him and standing at a different angle, points out his mistakes and weaknesses, he may realize how to correct the error more quickly and how to learn in an appropriate way. In addition, competition occurs naturally in a group study instead of an individual study. Through competing with each other about who is the more knowledgeable student, they will push their limits and achieve more. 那么这段话中,划线部分可以很好的点题扣题。


1.古今对比类题目论点构思点:物质(生活水平—吃穿住行),精神(书籍,电视电影,音乐,俱乐部,培训班,意识改进),科技--双刃剑(网络,电脑,手机),教育,医疗,交通,社会快节奏与竞争,建筑结构。这些务必熟记于心。比如:people are less friendlier than before. 迅速确定立场“同意”, 然后可以从物质,科技,竞争,建筑改变等角度写。比如物质充足同时,人们往往可以满足自己的需求,不需要求助别人了。这样交往少了,自然没那么友好了。

2. A、B对比类题目构思点:找两者的不同之处的同时找一方独有的更满足题目的点;想不出A方优点可想B方缺点;让步结构。比如:better way to relax? A:physical activities B:reading books or watching TV 这个题目,我们可以选择对大多数白领办公室工作人员而言 1. 锻炼身体更有助于放松因为办公室人员经常是久坐的生活方式;2. 看书后者看电影仍然会让他们(脑力劳动者)的大脑处于忙碌思考状态,不能从根本上放松;3. 让步,对于体力劳动者而言,可以选择看电影或者看书来放松。

3. A、B互补类题目构思点:四段论;body1. A导向B;body2. B导向A。比如:It is difficult for teachers to be both popular (well liked) and effectively in helping students’ study. 这个题目就可以分别从“受欢迎的老师会更有效地帮助学生学习,能帮助学生学习的老师也会更受欢迎”的角度来入手。

4. 孩子能力类题目构思点:独立的生活方式,责任心, 团队精神与精神精神,和父母的关系, 社交技能,创新力。比如:Children should be required to do housework as soon as they are able to.这个题目可以从“独立生活方式,与父母关系,责任心”角度入手。

5.政府类题目构思点:政府职能是基础设施的建设,包括教育(学校),医疗(医院),交通,以及其他与政府相关的点(经济,环境,就业)。比如:People can solve important problems in their daily life on their own or with the help from families; the help from the government is not necessary. 这个题目可以从“政府帮助那些贫困学生,政府可以完善基础设施建设”角度入手。

6. 抽象类题目构思点:设想具体场景和事例,拆分或具体化题目的抽象名词。比如:Rules now are too strict for young people. 这个题目可以讲rules具体化,然后再加上相关事例证明rules并不那么严格即可。比如:We should never be impolite to others. 这个题目可以去设想什么时候会对别人不礼貌,然后根据例子总结论点。

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