
来源:杭州英途英语教育时间:2024/2/27 10:43:58

  英途出国于 2008 年创办,致力于成为国际教育规划的全方案提供者。业务覆盖广泛,服务客群从个体到家庭,从企业到学校,是国际教育的专业提供商。经多年深耕,逐步扩展为“一站式”国际教育的全方案提供者,核心业务涵盖了3 岁以上国际课程辅导、游学研学、留学规划、成人进阶、海外投资等;提供雅思、托福、SAT、ACT、A-level、PTE、多邻国、朗思、剑桥英语,应用英语等英语培训



  课程特点:围绕雅思内容,对雅思听说读写针对性的基础夯实, 并根据学员自身情况量身定制课程。





  Some people believe that university students should pay all the cost of studies because university education only benefits students themselves but not society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?







  Many people insist that the educational expense of university graduates should be borne by themselves. According to them, when someone studies at university it benefits them more than it benefits the community or nation. However, I firmly believe that it is useful for individuals and society and hence universities should continue giving scholarships not to everyone, but to meritorious candidates.

  To start with, some shortsighted individuals argue that this trend is only fruitful for students. The reality is that it is advantageous for both society and individuals. For example, suppose that a medical school provides a scholarship for a meritorious candidate. After graduation, he/she will be a highly competent doctor or a health worker who can save thousands of people’s lives and serve humanity. The same is the case with any other job such as that of an engineer, teacher or researcher. Universities should nurture the skills of worthy students who are ready to endeavor to achieve success, thereby fostering talented professionals who can do their job to the best of their ability and bringprosperity to the nation.

  In addition, education should never be made a business. Many governments in the world have allocated a good proportion of their national budgets for education. If a candidate is hard-working and deserving, they should have the opportunity to pursue higher studiesregardless of their financial situation. That will empower people to acquire their dream job even if their financial status is weak. By contrast, if universities charge a fee for every admission, many bright minds from the underprivileged background will be deprived of opportunities. Moreover, graduate programs offered by universities can mold skilled professionals only if the students admitted are passionate and motivated. If they allocate seats simply based on fees, the course will have a mix of worthy and undeserving students, taking away other potential candidates’ opportunities.

  In conclusion, I reiterate that universities should continue providing free education to deserving candidates. That will create very capable professionals who can serve other people and improve the quality of our lives.


  be borne by 由……负担

  meritorious adj. 有功的,值得赞扬的

  shortsighted individuals 目光短浅的人

  be advantageous for 对……有利的

  competent adj. 有能力的, 能胜任的

  nurture the skills 培养技能

  foster talented professionals 培养有天赋的专业人才

  prosperity n. 繁荣,成功

  deserving adj. 值得表扬的,应得到帮助的;值得……的

  regardless of 不顾,不管

  empower vt. 使能够;授权,允许

  underprivileged adj. 被剥夺基本权利的,穷困的,下层社会的

  deprived of vt. 剥夺;失去

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