
来源:广州朗阁教育时间:2023/10/10 16:05:59


  广州朗阁教育(Longre),于1999 年在上海筹建。目前在30个城市设有100余家分校。多年来朗阁培训致力于提供海外语言标化考试(雅思、托福、PTE等)培训,海外入学标化考试(SAT、ACT、GRE、GMAT等)培训,初高中英语能力提升,大学英语考试(四六级、考研英语等)培训,并下设领航教育,项目包含:出国考试培训,国际学校课程辅导(IGCSE、A-LEVEL、IB、AP等),课外活动及背景提升、国际学校择校、国际学校入学备考及海外国际服务。



  【开班类型】:1v1定制辅导 / 2-6人小班辅导 / 远程网络辅导班

  【授课形式】:线下课程 / 线上网络课程



  1. 外国际学校在读校生,需要根据学校进度同步辅导AS-Level和A2-Level课程的学生;

  2. 自主学习AS-Level和A2-Level课程的学生



  抵扣大学学分成绩:成绩较好的学生可用A-L evel成绩抵扣相应的学分,节省学习时间和费用,大学生活中有更多的时间去学习专业度更高的课程。

  可申请英语名校:包括英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、爱尔兰、新加坡、香港所有大学均认可。美国认可包括哈佛、耶鲁、MIT等大学。 加拿大认可学校包括多伦多大学、哥伦比亚大学等。


  ALevel经济Exchange rate知识点有哪些

  在A-Level所有考试科目中,A-Level经济是常考科目之一,而Exchange rate作为A Level经济的难点之一,需要花费一些时间去攻克。下面,小编来详细为大家介绍一下Exchange rate的知识点。

  1. definition 定义

  Nominal exchange rate 名义汇率:

  This is the weight of one currency relative to another, withoutbeing adjusted for inflation.

  Real exchange rate 实际汇率:

  This is when the exchange rate is adjusted for inflation to give a moreaccurate reflection of purchasing power.

  Trade-weighted exchange rate 贸易加权汇率:

  This is the weighted average of the exchange rate, of thedomestic currency relative to foreign currencies, where theweight of each currency is equalto the share in trade. The more the domestic country trades with a foreign country, thegreater the weight of the currency.

  2.The determination of exchange rates 汇率的决定因素

  Floating exchange rate 浮动汇率由供需决定:

  The value of the exchange rate in a floating system is determined by the forces of supply and demand.

  Fixed exchange rate 固定汇率由government决定:

  A fixed exchange rate has a value determined by the government compared to other currencies.

  Managed float exchange rate 管理浮动汇率(介于以上二者之间,自由浮动,但是也有governments的干预):

  This occurs when the exchange rate floats on the market, but the central bank of the country buys and sells currencies to try and influence their exchange rate.

  3.Depreciation and appreciation 汇率的升值与贬值

  Depreciation 贬值:when the value of a currency falls relative to another currency, in a floating exchange rate system.

  Appreciation 升值:when the value of a currency increases. Each pound will buy more dollars, for example.

  4.The factors underlying changes in exchange rates 影响汇率变化的因素

  Inflation 通货膨胀:

  A lower inflation rate means exports are relatively more competitive. This increasesdemand for the currency. This causes the currency to appreciate.

  Interest rates 利率:

  An increase in interest rates, relative to other countries, makes it more attractive toinvest funds in the country because the rate of return on investment is higher. Thisincreases demand for the currency, causing an appreciation. This is known as hotmoney.

  Speculation 投机行为:

  If speculators think a currency will appreciate in the future, demand will increase inthe present, since they believe a profit can be made by sellingthe currency in thefuture. This can cause an increase in the value of the currency.

  Other currencies 其他货币:

  If markets are concerned about major economies, such as the EU, the currency might rise. This happened with the Swiss Franc in 2010 when markets were worried about the EU economy.

  National debt 国债:

  A government with a high level of debt is at risk of defaulting, which could cause thecurrency to depreciate. This is since investors start to lose confidence in theeconomy, so they sell their holdings of bonds.

  Balance of payments 国际收支:

  When the value of imports exceeds exports, there is a current account deficit.Countries which struggle to finance this, such as through attracting capital inflows,have currencies which depreciate as a result.

  International competitiveness 国际竞争力:

  An increase in competitiveness increases demand for exports, which increasesdemand for thecurrency. This causes an appreciation of the currency.

  Government intervention 政府干预:

  Governments might try and influence their currency, such as by maintaining a fixedexchange rate.

  5. The effects of changing exchange rates on the domestic and external economy 汇率变化对于外经济的影响

  (1)Marshall-Lerner condition and the J-curve effect


  The Marshall-Lerner condition states that a devaluation in a currency only improves thebalance of trade if the absolute sum of long runexport and import demand elasticities isgreater than or equal to 1.


  The J-curve effect occurs when a currency is devalued. Since devaluing the currency causesimports to become more expensive, at first the total value of imports increases, which

  worsens the deficit. Eventually, the value of exports increases, which leads to a reduction inthe trade deficit.

  When the currency is devalued, there may be a time lag in changing the volume of exportsand imports. This could be due to trade contracts and the price inelasticity of demand forimports in the short run, whilst consumers search for alternatives. In the long run,consumers might start purchasing domestic products, for example, which helps improve thedeficit.



  长期来看,货币贬值使得出口商品价格下降,因此出口总值会增加。此外,进口商品价格上升,消费者对于进口商品的需求也会下降。这两个因素使得current account deficit经常账目赤字得以改善,甚至变成current account surplus。

  (2)The effect of exchange rates on AD


  Exchange rate affects AD because they affect the price of exports and imports. If theexchange rate appreciates, AD is likely to fall since imports become cheaper and exportsbecome more expensive.

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