
来源:杭州新东方留学培训机构时间:2023/7/6 9:37:06





  具有多年教学的经验,也吸引了众多的老师,老师都是毕业于比较好的院校,也具有留学和国外生活的经历, 对于语言培训有着多方面的理解,对于硬说读写等方面的指导都是非常擅长的。在匹配的教学师资方面,在不同的班级设置了优质的老师,一般是小班教学的方式 ,学校针对学员听说读写等方面进行指导,实现学习方面的进步。


  题目:The advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city

  In recent years, the fast development of cities has attracted more and more people to move to urban areas. However, with the increasing population, living in a big city has both advantages and disadvantages.

  On the one hand, living in a big city can provide people with more employment opportunities. Big cities are usually the center of economy, with a large number of enterprises and institutions, providing many job opportunities for people. Besides, cities have more facilities and resources, such as medical care, education, entertainment, etc. People can enjoy better living conditions and more choices in big cities.

  On the other hand, the environment and traffic problems in cities are also very serious. With the increase of automobiles, traffic congestion has become a common scene in cities, which not only affects people's daily life, but also causes air and noise pollution. In addition, the population explosion has led to a sharp rise in the房价 of cities, making it difficult for many people to buy a house.

  In conclusion, although living in a big city has both advantages and disadvantages, it provides more employment opportunities and facilities and resources, which can better meet people's needs. At the same time, we should also pay attention to and solve the environmental and traffic problems in cities, so that people can live in cities better.

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